We are on a Path to 'Zero Waste'
There is a common recipe for a lot of these initiatives -- a little bit of material reduction, a whole lot of recycling and reuse, and a bit of incineration (also called waste-to-energy) -- and they come down to four general categories that can help you structure your efforts.
To do something about your trash, you first have to know what you're dealing with. Look at your trash. No, really look at it. Sort it out. Find out what you're making. And only then can you do something about it.
Other than "low-hanging fruit," the most overused adage in green business is "you can't manage what you don't measure." But setting goals and working to meet them is still a tall order for just about any type of waste-reduction initiative, so it's worth noting how goals and metrics can keep a company on track to zero waste.
Companies with successful zero waste programs don't just make recycling and waste sorting a job employees have to do, but something they want to do and can get excited about.
We are measuring our waste and being smart about recycling. In our kitchen we are using biodegradable, compostable & recyclable goods.
We are facilitating trade in programs and buy back programs for smartphones and tablets to encourage re-use and responsible disposal.
We are buying and using biodegradable office supplies. We are purchasing and selling device peripherals and accessories with no packaging where possible. Our postage satchels for goods we send to clients are biodegradable.
Frequently asked questions
What are you trying achieve?
Getting to zero is not an easy task, but at Exceed we CARE about the planet and we love challenges.
So we are commencing our pathway to Zero Waste!
How to get involved?
If you share similar values, please reach out. We love to work with people, vendors, partners and customers who all share a passion for a planet.
get in touch with our team
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