The World's First Hands-Free Android Wearable Solution
Our ruggedized devices connect the frontline worker to information and expertise needed to successfully complete job tasks safely and efficiently.
Transform your frontline workforce
With our market-leading industrial strength assisted reality solutions, deliver real-time access to information and expertise, anytime, anywhere.
Enterprise Ready
Extending the Edge of Computing
Explore a variety of optimized solutions aligned to your business needs
We collaborate with industry leaders and pioneers to deliver world-class technology solutions to ensure you have the very best you need for your business.
Remote Expert Guidance
Connects global workforce and enables frontline workers to get assistance from an expert remotely.
Digital Workflow
Reduces operational errors with step-by-step visual instructions and checklists.
Digital Workflow
Reduces operational errors with step-by-step visual instructions and checklists.
Industrial IoT Data
Real-time data access that is needed when operating, inspecting, or maintaining equipment.
Document Navigator
More productivity and safety by viewing technical manuals and reference documents with eyes forward and hands-free.
200+ leading software providers to enable solutions optimized for the micro display & completely voice-controlled navigation.
We also provide
We also provide Expense Management, Telecoms Expense Management, Device Deployment, Mobile Fleet management, Telstra enterprise Mobility, Telstra mobility Managed Services.
Improve Your Business Core values, Business Consulting, App Development, Cyber Security, Cryptoloc, Data & IP, Telstra Expense Management and many more Services. Check our Services.